Number facts, commonly referred to as number bonds, are simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.
Pupils will be taught these key facts and encouraged to practice and memorise them until they can be recalled instantly with little working out.
Number facts form the building blocks for higher-level Maths skills so once mastered, pupils will find it easier to solve problems quickly. They will understand the relationship between numbers, like how 8-3=5 because 3+5=8.
In Year 1, children learn how to add and subtract number facts up to 20, becoming familiar with all the different combinations, such as: 1+9=10, 14+3=17, 16+4=20, etc.
Practising maths facts at home is a great way of reinforcing knowledge and learning outside of the classroom. Click on the links to find posters to support your child in learning maths facts.