Relationships Education is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up. It is inclusive of all types of families, to help children understand about loving and caring relationships of all types. It should equip children with the information, skills and positive values to have safe relationships, to understand their bodies and to empower them to know they have choice. This subject can support children to develop resilience and to know how and when to ask for help. The objectives of the curriculum are to:
Provide the knowledge and information to which children are entitled to
To clarify/reinforce existing knowledge
To have an understanding of all types of families- having inclusive, positive values
To raise pupils’ self esteem and confidence, especially in their friendships and relationships with others
To help pupils’ to understand their feelings and behaviours so that they can lead fulfilling lives
To help develop skills (language, decision making, choice, assertiveness) when dealing with problems with their relationships
To provide the confidence to be participating members of society and to value themselves and others
To help pupils gain access to information and support
For pupils’ to develop and use communication and assertiveness skills to cope with the influence of their peers and the media
To help pupils to respect and care for their bodies
To help pupils to be prepared for puberty and adulthood
To help pupils to understand which parts of their bodies are private and have the confidence to stand up for themselves and say no, if they feel that someone is behaving inappropriately.
For information about SEX EDUCATION at Hayfield Lane Primary, please see the RSE policy in the POLICIES section of the website. Our expert providers delivering this aspect in a progressive way are BIG TALK. The policy section will give further information about this.
Relationships Education and keeping safe both emotionally and physically is interwoven into our NOVEL STUDY TOPICS. See the year group documents below: