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Special Events

Sports Day


We had a fantastic afternoon taking part as a team. There were so many brilliant performances and it was great to see everyone being cheered on.

Easter egg rolling fun! 
The children enjoyed rolling their eggs today. George was our proud winner - well done George!

Easter Events

Today, we had the joy of visiting some farm animals as well as having a fabulous tractor ride around the field. It was wonderful.

World Book Day

As part of World Book Day, the children have loved sharing details about their favourite stories, have enjoyed creating bookmarks, have work together to identify different book characters and have taken part in a number of reading orienteering activities linked to the picture books that we have explored this week.

Dogs Trust Visit

Dogs Trust visited us today to talk about different types of dogs and the different emotions that they feel and how they show these emotions. We discussed how to interact with dogs.

Christmas at Hayfield Lane

We had a lot of fun, as you can see below, on the different rides and activities. 

Creative Creatures

Creative Creatures have been in today to introduce the children to a number of creatures. We have had a fabulous experience and learnt huge amounts about these extraordinary animals. Take a look below.
