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There are many activities below to help you practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, place value and some work on shape. 

We will be beginning to look at money so try to handle coins, try to order them practically, set up a little shop and practise adding amounts and giving change. 


As well as this we will be looking at measure so it would be helpful if children could bake and practise weighing amounts, use a tape measure or a ruler to try and order objects in terms of their height. 

In Year 1 children need to find a half and a quarter of a group of objects, a shape or an amount. Have a go at these activities. Try it with objects of your own first.

To support this work on fractions and time work has been assigned to do on Mathletics. If you had previously completed an activity we have only reassigned this to you if it had taken you several attempts to complete it or you scored below 90%. Don;t worry though practise makes perfect! :) 
Resources below were added in March 2020