Welcome to Hawk Class
In Hawk Class, Mrs Brooks is your teacher and Mrs Cannon and Mrs Law works with us too.
We are always looking for creative ways to learn, in English we study different novels throughout the year. All of our English will link into the novel. We will also continue with Maths Mastery this year as we look to deepen our knowledge of all things mathematical!
For further information on the curriculum please see the curriculum newsletter by following the link below.
Homework is designed to support the learning that has taken place during the week, or assess the knowledge of the children on a topic to come, therefor we ask that all children ensure this is returned on time and to the best of their ability. This will be given on a Friday and to be returned to school by the following Wednesday.
This year the reading challenge continues with those children who read 5 times a week being given the opportunity to take part in some amazing events. Diaries will be checked every Friday so please ensure you have signed these for your children when they read to you.
PE (Physical Education)
PE takes place on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, please ensure your child has a full kit (including trainers) on both of these days as we will try to have lessons out side as much as possible.
PE kit consists of black shorts or trousers, white t-shirt, black pumps or trainers and a black jumper for the winter months. Earrings must be removed (children are allowed to remove their own earrings if they feel comfortable to do so) or covered with a plaster and long hair must be tied back.