Why not come and have a look at our AMAZING NURSERY? Mrs Brough will show you around her vibrant classroom where children are nurtured to achieve their best.
We are a 52 place nursery and parents are offered a morning or afternoon place which means 5 x 3 hour sessions (15 hours free). We offer 8 x 30 hour places for qualifying parents. Please speak to Mrs Brough for further details. For parents who would prefer their child to be with us for FULL DAYS with a highly experienced teacher and team of experienced teaching assistants and do not have a 30 hours place, parents are able to buy additional sessions at a cost of £10 per session (subject to availability, priority given to working parents). If Nursery does fill to capacity, these additional bought in sessions will not be offered and will be discontinued. We do give the lunch hour FREE OF CHARGE for those who are staying full days. Children do however need to bring a packed lunch. Children accessing EIA funding to support additional needs will not be given additional adult 1:1 support for any extra sessions that are bought in as this is non-statutory provision. Reasonable adjustments will however be made.
Take a look at the Robin Class page to see what our Nursery is like or even better come and see for yourself. You won't be disappointed!
Why not take advantage of our EARLY BIRD Breakfast Club from 8:00? It is only £2.50 per day and you can pay on the day. You do not need to sign up for this and can use it as and when you need it. We also run BUSY BEES WRAP AROUND CARE from 3:30-5:30 (Monday to Thursday) and 3.30 - 5.00 (Friday) at a cost of £5.00 per day for our working parents.
Contact the office for more information.