Parent Forum is a wonderful way in which home and school work together to make a real difference for the children. Unlike FOHL who solely fund raise, Parent Forum meets termly to look at taking parental views on new initiatives in school and examine ways in which parents would like to see the school developing. New policies, initiatives and feedback are all covered and parents/carers have the opportunity to raise any issues that concern them/that they wish to see developed further. Governors are also invited to hear your views on the school.
If you are unable to attend, your voice can still be heard! Once agendas are shared, simply email the office For The Attention of Mrs Dilks (Parent Forum Leader) who will ensure that your idea/concern is heard. Minutes of the meetings are shared on the website and we look forward to showing how the school has taken on board the items discussed.
At Hayfield Lane Primary. we understand that working together as a team we can achieve great things. Please see the newsletter Diary Dates and Parent Forum posters in classroom windows and on the website for further details.