Doncaster Council, in partnership with other specialist providers of domestic abuse support, have created a Domestic Abuse Hub which means that there is simple way of accessing support for anyone that wants help.
Partners in the Hub include Doncaster Council, Doncaster Children's Services Trust, Riverside and Phoenix WoMen's Aid.
Together they can support you with practical and emotional support. The team also works closely with other agencies e.g. health, housing and Police to offer you additional help and support.
The Domestic Abuse Hub consists of experienced, trained and knowledgeable workers that want to help people out of abusive situations and into healthy and fulfilling lives. The domestic abuse workers will ask you important questions about your relationship with the person that is being abusive towards you. The first concern is your safety and if you haven't already done so the domestic abuse worker will encourage and support you to report any crimes to South Yorkshire Police. Once you are in a safe place you and your worker can explore what else you need and help you with practical issues such as housing, debt, solicitors appointments, support at court etc. Your worker will also be there to provide emotional support and help you overcome your experience.