Welcome back to our first term of the summer.
We are looking forward to spending more time in our outdoor area now the weather is getting better. We have been looking at all the changes happening in the school grounds. We are hoping that some birds are going to make a nest in our new birdbox.
What an amazing couple of weeks we have had. We have had reindeer in school would you believe! We are also very busy perfecting our Nativity. We cannot wait for you to see how hard we have been working! :)
The children decided to change the Novel Study area into a Santa's Grotto/ Post Office as they felt it fitted nicely with a Christmas activities and stories. I agree!
Thank you to all the parents for their continued support we greatly appreciate it.
See you at the performances!
We are always very busy in Sparrows and Wrens, and we are always learning! We learn through carefully planned child initiated play activities, short teacher led carpet times, and small group activities that are aimed at each child's individual abilities. Our children access both indoor and outdoor child initiated learning opportunities that enable them to grow, gain independence and develop as individuals.
Every day begins with an adult led phonics carpet session, this is where we think about letter sounds and how to read and write! We also have an adult led maths carpet session, and an adult led literacy carpet session where we focus on a variety of texts.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum we plan and teach activities and experiences for children to learn across seven main areas of learning:
3 Prime areas of learning
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional development
4 Specific areas of learning
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Please click on the curriculum link to access our topics for the year.
Hello and welcome to FS2 Sparrows!
Please scroll down for more information.
Welcome back everyone! Hope you had a lovely half term. We have already begun our 'Owl Babies' Novel Study. The children are very excited, and have been busy in our 'Novel Study Forest.' We are nearly finishing our Set 1 'Read Write Inc' sounds and it is showing! The children are making fantastic progress with the sounds, and are now beginning to blend and segment, to read, and spell! Wonderful work keep it up!
I hope the children have been busy explaining all about the Owls when they came home this evening! It was a truly amazing experience for all! We all listened carefully to fascinating facts about the owls, and even had the chance to hold one of them! The children were so well behaved!
I have pictures of each child holding an Owl, as , shown so you can have a peek! Well done to all the children for being very brave!
Please can all of the Sparrow and Wrens remember to bring their PE kit. Our PE sessions are:
Sparrows- Tuesday
Wrens- Wednesday
Our reading day is on Thursday, on this day your child will read and have their book changed. Please therefore can you make sure the Sparrow and Wren book bags are in school on this day. Can you please write a comment in the Monkey planner to let us know here in FS2 how your child is getting on.
Please make sure all your child's belongings are named, we really do not want to lose any clothes or mix them up!
Thank you :)
Elmer Day!
As part of our Novel Study 'Elmer' we decided to celebrate 'Elmer Day' like in the story! We even made peanut butter sandwiches all by ourselves! We are amazing!