The loss of a loved one is a difficult time in anybody's life, especially for a child. Our Winston's Wish trained practitioner spends time with a child that is going through loss and bereavement, to support them through activities and giving them the opportunity in their school day to talk about their loved one. Here we made a memory salt jar to remember Grandma.
When we can recognise our own emotions and where they come from, we can begin to make sense of the sensations we are feeling and can learn how to manage them in a positive way. Today's Thrive Tribes made a body map then chose which colour and shape they thought an emotion would look like and where it lived in our bodies. We found out that we were all different but we all felt the same emotions. The game of eye-eye cookie at the end of the session was just for fun!
The Specialness Of Me has our Thrive Tribes realising what makes them...them! How special and unique they are, how nobody is the same and how, when we see ourselves, we can see the specialness in others. We celebrate all that our children are and how we can support our friends too. The paper plates and feathers are a 'crafty' way to express this.
This week saw the return of out Thrive Tribe time and it was a smasher! Our boys and girls groups played Jenga (always a favourite of the children) and we made Autumn Twirlies to hang in our Forest School hut. Natural resources in a natural environment have a positive impact on mental health, and it's fun!
Our Yr6 girls Thrive Tribe took an Eastery twist this week. Working around a table, seeing smiling faces and interacting with each other builds positive bonds, improves our mental health and wellbeing but can also be fun.
To enable our children to reach their full potential in the classroom, we support their emotional health, mental and physical wellbeing and social skills through THRIVE. Thrive is a programme designed to develop the skills needed to cope with learning, friendships and life through tailor-made provision. Our Thrive sessions are delivered by a licenced Thrive practitioner and our whole school approach to Thrive supports both children and staff to help each other and to be emotionally resilient.