Governors of Hayfield Lane Primary
Hayfield Lane is supported by its board of Governors which under the terms of the 1998 Education Act is responsible for the curriculum and welfare of pupils, the school’s budget, staff appointments and the care of the buildings.
Structure of our Governing Body
There is one full Governing Body meeting each term at which strategic issues are discussed and decisions made. The Governing Body is then split into two sub-committees: a Finance Committee chaired by Andrew Hibbitt: and a Pupil's and Personnel Committee chaired by Kath Lister/Andrea Law. Each committee meets at least once a term. Governors attend at least one of the committee meetings. In addition, Governors meet with the school leaders of their designated responsibilities once a term and report back to the Full Board. There is also a Human Resources sub-committee which any governors may be a part of when necessary. Governors can also be split into two smaller groups where it may be necessary for decisions made to progress to an appeals panel.
The Governing Body of Hayfield Lane consists of:
Two parent Governors (appointed by parents)
One Local Authority Governor (appointed by the Local Authority)
One staff Governor (appointed by the school staff)
Six co-opted Governors (appointed by the Full Governing Body) - currently one vacancy.
Chair of Governors.
Alastair Gooderham. Can be contacted through the school office.
Louise Tempest. Remains on the Governing Body as Headteacher.
Parent Governors
Jodi Kendall – term of office 24 May 2021 to 23rd May 2025
Tamara Lewis - term of office 3rd July 2023 to 2nd July 2027
Local Authority Governor
Kath Lister – term of office 2 July 2024 to 1 July 2028
Staff Governor
Andrea Law – term of office 20 November 2023 to 19 November 2027
Co-opted Governors
James Clark-Allan – term of office 11 February 2023 to 10 February 2027
Sophie Duncan - term of office 24th April 2023 to 23rd April 2027
Alastair Gooderham – term of office 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2027
Andy Hibbitt - term of office 24th April 2023 to 23rd April 2027
Brendan Pell-Culshaw - term of office 11 February 2024 to 10 February 2028
Governors who have resigned/term of office has ended during the last 12 months
Robin Jenkinson - term of office ended 1st May 2023
Sharon Toothill - resigned 15th May 2023
Governing Body Full Board Attendance 2021 - 22
Autumn Term Meeting 15th November 2021 – All governors present except Sharon Toothill (apologies)
Spring Term Meeting 14th March 2022 – All governors present except James Clark-Allan (apologies)
Budget Meeting 25th April 2022 – All governors present except Brendan Pell-Culshaw (apologies)
Summer Term Meeting 4th July 2022 - All governors present except Robert Jenkinson and Sharon Toothill (apologies)
Governing Body Full Board Attendance 2022 - 23
Autumn Term Meeting 31st October 2022 - All governors present except J Kendall and R Jenkinson (apologies)
Spring Term Meeting 16th January 2023 - All governors present except A Law (apologies)
Budget Meeting 24th April 2023 - All governors present except A Law and S Toothill (apologies)
Summer Term Meeting 18th July 2023 (Via Teams) - All governors present except A Hibbitt, S Duncan, K Lister and A Law (apologies)
Register of Interests
From 1 September 2015, Governing Bodies of maintained schools have a duty to publish their register of interests. This register is required to include the following details:
Any business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests) including:
Please see below details of any interests declared by our current Governing Body for the academic year 2022-2023.
Name of Governor | Interest Declared |
Louise Tempest | None |
Kath Lister | None |
James Clark-Allan | Strategy and Solution Director, Peopleplus Ltd |
Sophie Duncan | None |
Alastair Gooderham | Pastor of Grace Church – hire the school hall each Sunday. Son is also employed by Metro Clean as a relief cleaner and the school as a relief Midday Supervisor. Wife is employed as an LSA at the school. |
Andrew Hibbitt | Deputy CEO of Exceed Learning Partnership Trust |
Jodi Kendall | None |
Andrea Law | None |
Brendan Pell-Culshaw | None |
Tamara Lewis | None |
Minutes of Governor's meetings are available on request from the school office. Please contact Mrs Harkin, School Business Manager on 01302 770427 or
Our governors have 3 core functions:
1) Ensuring the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
2)Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
3)Overseeing financial performance of the organisation and making sure that money is well spent.
To ensure that the above occurs, they attend the following meetings each term:
The governors then visit the school to monitor effective spending by seeing the impact on the children. They talk to pupils and get to find out if the vision for the school is being realised. The governors do this via their GOVERNOR RESEARCH GROUPS, where they work in teams to examine their core functions in the following categories:
They have termly training sessions where they examine educational research and use quality assurance materials to plot their lines of enquiry to hold school leaders to account.
In addition to this, they employ external consultants to monitor safeguarding and GDPR (data protection) within the school.
A governor representative is always available during one of the PARENTS EVENINGs each term so that parents are able to meet with them or discuss matters.