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Home Learning Expectations


In Year 1 Starlings, the children are expected to read at least five times a week. Please remember to sign their reading planner each time they have read. They do not have to read the book that they bring home from school. They are allowed to read books from home, books on Bug Club, etc.


Book Changing Days - Monday, Wednesday and Friday


Weekly Homework

In their homework books, the children have a homework sheet that has activities on them. Each week, the children must complete an activity to hand in to the teacher to be marked. Each activity must be completed on a new page with the long date and the activity number at the top of each page. The homework must be completed in pencil (not pen) and must be neatly presented. 


Half-Term Homework Project

Each half-term, the children will be given a homework project related to their novel or a topic of work. The children can complete it at any time, as long as it is finished and handed in by the deadline date.


The deadline date for this half-term's homework project is: Friday 19th October, 2018.


Thank you for all your wonderful homes that you created for the characters from our novel 'The Gruffalo'.  It's very clear the amount of time and effort that you put into building these fantastic projects.  We have put photos of the projects on the website for you to look at.  They really are awesome!
