Take Five is a safe, universal, resilience and capacity building skill set focused on breathing, grounding and awareness. Take Five has been developed by Each Amazing Breath and involves mindful resilience practices that take between thirty seconds and five minutes which can be practiced anywhere – you just have to know how!
"Take Five at School" is a trauma-smart resilience-building programme which is used in classrooms and on the playground. Pupils throughout school from EYFS-Y6 take part in short breathing practices (led either by an adult or by specially trained Take Five Breathing Ambassadors) to calm, relax and focus them ready for their learning.
Children have really embraced Take 5 breathing as a part of school life and are able to use it as a tool to self regulate and acknowledge their feelings in a safe space. Children have strengthened their emotional wellbeing in a way that is safe, developmentally appropriate and fun alongside other pastoral tools within our school.
We have a number of Take Five Ambassadors who have learnt to lead, collaborate and reflect whilst helping others and thinking of ways to ensure all children can have access to and take part in Take Five, as they believe it is something that can help everyone to feel calm, and give thinking time in order to be more successful. They are passionate about what Take 5 can do for you and love to lead practices within classes where even children who you might not expect to, become confident leaders and shine!
Feedback from some of our ambassadors shows that they often take the idea of the practices home with them to share with those they love or whom they think might need it, as well as helping them with siblings or feelings of upset at home. Some of our ambassadors over the years have even had the opportunity to design their own breathing practices which they thought would help themselves, and others.
We at Hayfield Lane are passionate about developing resilient learners and leaders of the future, and Take Five is another platform that enables children to believe, achieve and succeed!