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Class Information

Here is some information for parents on our timetable in school and any information you may need to know.


On Friday mornings we have PE. We ask that your child brings in a white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers or pumps, which can be left in a bag on their peg during the week. 


Reading books are changed on a Friday. Children should bring their book to school every day, especially once they start to have a Read Write Inc book, as these are changed on different days through the week to fit in with what they have done in their phonics lessons.

Reading at home is very important and we ask that you do so each night with your child.

There is a whole school incentive for children to read 5 times a week - and for us to know this their reading record MUST be signed each time they read!


Gold book assembly is on a Friday - which if your child is chosen you may come along to see their achievement—keep your eyes peeled for a flyer in their bag on a Thursday evening!



It is normal in Reception for children to still have occasional toilet accidents. Please ensure your child has a change of underwear and/or clothing in their bag so we can help them to get changed if this happens.


It is important that your child has access to drinks throughout the day. We have cups in the class, but we encourage your child to have their own water bottle so they can get a drink whenever they like. Please make sure this water bottle is named and only filled with water.


We use our outdoor learning area in all weathers. Children need coats every day. As winter approaches, gloves become essential. 