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NHS Eat Well

Eating a good and balanced diet and taking regular exercise is fundamental to good health in general. At Hayfield Lane we teach our children about the importance of a good balanced diet. We also link with the Doncaster School Nursing team who inform our children, in engaging ways,  so that they can make informed choices and stay healthy. The work that they undertake includes dental hygiene lessons. 


As a school we state that children should drink water in school and each child brings a water bottle. In emergencies we do provide disposable cups. Due to the high levels of concern about tooth decay in Doncaster, we do not allow sugary or drinks with sweetener in as this encourages children to crave sugary items. We also have milk for pupils-SEE THE COOL MILK SECTION BELOW


Take a look below at the parent support materials. If you have any concerns about your child's eating habits or require additional support, please see the items below or contact us for additional support via the school office.



Children age under five years old are entitled to receive free milk at school. This is also free to children who receive Free School Meals.


In order for your child to receive milk when they start school and if you wish for them to have milk after their fifth birthday, you will need to register them with our Cool Milk supplier.


To register your child or for more information, please contact the office.

