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Class Information

Key information

Start and finish time:


  • School starts at 8:55am
    • Families can enter the school premises at 8:45am. Please ensure that children are NOT being allowed to come onto the school site, alone, before 8:45. They are unsupervised and this is a safeguarding/ health and safety issue. 
  • School finishes at 15:30 and children will be let out on the bell. 


PE day:


  • Please see PDF further down this page for Swift PE days for the summer term.
  • Children do not need a change of clothes. PE lessons will be outside (weather permitting) so children must come to school in their outdoor PE kit (please see below).
  • Children will need to wear black/navy shorts or sports trousers, a white t-shirt, and long-sleeved jumpers are advised for outdoor PE.
  • Children with long hair must have it tied back and earrings need to be taken out or covered with a plaster.
  • If for any reason your child cannot take part in PE, can you please send your child with a note to let their teacher know.


Extra information:


  • Children are able and should bring a water bottle to school. 


  • The school does not provide children in year 3 with milk or snacks. If you would like your child to have milk then please arrange this with the school office. You may provide your child with a healthy snack (nothing containing nuts) if you wish to do so. 


  • A reading book will be given to your child to take home and they are in charge of changing this when required. It is also recommended that your child reads online using Bug Club as they are able to access all books on there. We recommend that your child reads at least 5 times a week and that an adult signs their planner to show when they have read. A reward will be given to those children who read 5 times per week. 


  • Your child has been given passwords for Bug Club, Mathletics, Purple Mash, Times table Rockstars, and Bedrock. Please access these at home.


  • On a Friday, your child will be sent home with some spellings which they are required to learn. They will be tested on these on the following Friday. Your child has access to Spelling Frame which is a website which they can use to help them learn their weekly spellings through the use of games and quizzes. 

Y3 Letters (Please log onto Parent Pay for access to whole school letters)
