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Week 5 - Mexico

We have also tasted some Mexican food , we made Nachos using tortilla chips, chilli, rice, sour cheese dip and guacamole. We looked smelled and tasted the food. We thought the chilli looked liked wiggly worms, guacamole looked liked mushy peas and the tortillas looked liked triangles. We did think it tasted crunchy a little spicy and very very nice.

In music we we learnt about Mexican Mariachi bands and using claves we performed La Cucaracha. We had a lot of fun dancing to the beat.

La Cucaracha

We also found out about the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo who suffered a terrible accident and whilst recovering taught herself how to paint herself. So we used mirrors to help us paint our self portraits. We used small brushes to help create our work . We think they are pretty amazing.

This week we have continued to learn about different countries. This week it was all about Mexico. We looked at the Mexican flag, the different landscapes, the climate and their cultures .

 In small world we built Chichen Itza the ancient ruins and the colourful houses of Guanajualo. We also wrote postcards telling our families our amazing Mexico would be to visit.
