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Schools out for summer

Welcome to Kestrel class 2022/2023


Mrs Radford is the class teacher and Mr Panks is the learning support assistant.  Together we aim to work hard to develop our childrens’ confidence and love of learning. We will help them to work both independently and collaboratively towards a wide array of outcomes. 

Our first novel study theme is Harry Potter and we look at how Harry would feel as part of the Dursley’s home, what it would have been like to go to Hogwarts and how magical it would be. We visit the Harry Potter studios as part of our learning. Our novel study is The Cupboard Under the Stairs with hidden, secret words written on the wall! Later this year, we will look at WWII and the Greek Civilisation.

Our WW2 novel study

We work in lots of different ways including outdoors, in groups and in pairs to practise our communication skills and critical thinking. 
