As a school we ask that each child reads as much as possible and we foster a love of reading with the children where they read and are read to. Please read with your child at least 5 times each week and record this in the reading diary. You can read the school reading book which is changed three times each week and is in his / her book bag. As well as this you can log on to Bug Club where you will find all of the books available that are in your child's current book band. Your child has a book mark with the log in details but please see us if you are unsure.
We have provided a list of common exception words (words that generally cant be sounded out) in your child's reading diary for them to practise reading and writing each half term.
Children have also got Mathletic passwords and a login and can access this at home. Children using this will earn points and then be given certificates win school to celebrate their achievements. Please try an encourage them to do this as much as you can. If this is a problem we offer a Mathletics club to help your child access this.