Maybe you could start a home school scrapbook with pictures, drawings and photographs of your child's learning.
Art can be inspired by for example a simple walk outside spotting signs of Spring or by looking at photographs of visits to places such as the Wildlife Park or Zoo.
There are absolutely hundreds of craft activities you can easily do at home at
We have included a recipe for 'salt dough' in your home learning pack, playdough is not just fun to create with but also helps to develop hand muscles ready for writing!
Enjoy baking together (providing you have the ingredients needed) which includes lots of different learning, maths, science, health & self care changes etc.
Dig out your old board games such as 'Frustration' and 'Snakes and Ladders' as they are fantastic at learning how to takes turns, counting and not always winning!
Remember to dance and sing nursery rhymes at every opportunity!
You might have heard your little ones talking about 'dough disco'. This is a programme that gets their fingers working ready for mark making! currently the creator Shonette Basson-Wood is holiding live dough disco and story time sessions on you tube at 9:30 and 1:00, although you can access them any time too!
Here is the link if you want to get involved, its lots of fun and all you need is some playdough - or you imagination!!