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The death of a parent, sibling or other family member is one of the most traumatic situations that a child can face. At Hayfield Lane we provide additional emotional support sessions for children who are bereaved or have parents who are terminally ill.


Giving time to children who are dealing with difficult and emotional times is crucial and we follow the WINSTON WISH programme to ensure that the support is offered in the correct way. Mrs Harris is our qualified practitioner.


Being there to support children and allow them to discuss their feelings or allow them time to break from the stress they are facing during the week is invaluable and makes a long term difference for our families.


Separation Anxiety


Managing a child's separation anxiety can be challenging, with us often not knowing how to help or what to say. This is a very sad and confusing time when it follows the death of somebody close. 

This link from Winston's Wish, is a useful starting point when trying to support your child through separation anxiety.


Managing separation anxiety in children after a bereavement | Winston's Wish (


Visit for further information on how to support your child through bereavement, or contact Mrs Harris via the school office.



