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We have had another fun filled day participating in our sports day. We enjoyed the egg and spoon race, obstacle race, sack race, spider race and running race,  We all tried very hard and the weather was quite kind only one little shower.

Finally we got on the bus to come home, we were very tired and a few of us had a quick nap on the way back, but we all had a wonderful day and really enjoyed ourselves. All the children were fabulous and a credit to the school.

Peter Pan land was good fun and we enjoyed pretending to be in the story.

After lunch we had lots of fun in the adventure playground, we really enjoyed trying out the different apparatus.

By now we were all very hungry and enjoyed our lunch in the fairytale huts.


We arrived at Knaresbrough and was met by our guide James ,he took us on the trail to the petrifying waterfall and Mother Shiptons cave. All the objects in the well had turned to stone because if the special gas in the water. We then made a wish in the well, the water as very very cold. We then went into the cave where Mother Shipton had once lived . We decided we would not like to live in the cave as it was very dark and very cold.

We were very excited this morning, we had a surprise visitor. The Easter Bunny came to say hello to Wren Class. The Easter Bunny also bought us a surprise Easter Egg. It was very exciting.

Easter Bunny

We have had a great time egg rolling, we all tried very hard. It was a very close call for the winner.

Egg Rolling

Old McDonald

Still image for this video

The adults in school surprised us by being dressed as farm animals and farmers. We visited all the farm animals, had tractor rides and had lots of farm activities throughout the day. We all really enjoyed our surprise Farm Day.

We also had a ride in the tractor trailer ,we went round the field and up the hill. We sang Old McDonald as we went round. We then got to sit in the front of the tractor it was very high up. We enjoyed going on the tractor.

What an amazing day we have had ,we got to meet all the farm animals and stroke and groom them, We thought Benjamin Bunny was really soft to touch. Dotty the pig was very hungry and Meg the sheepdog really enjoyed it when we threw her ball for her to fetch.

Look at our amazing NHS models we did at home, we are now going to make a display in school for all the other children to see our fantastic work. 

We finished off our learning about the NHS with a special assembly and invited our grown ups to come and see our AMAZING work and we shared all our knowledge about the NHS. We all contributed to our assembly and all took part . We also sang a song about working for the NHS. We hope all our grown ups enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed showing off our work.

Thank you for coming 

We had a cake sale to help raise money, we really enjoyed the cakes. In the afternoon we iced some red nose biscuits and we also played teachers reading red words. What an amazing day we have had.

Wrens dressed up for red nose day

Look how busy we have been. We really enjoyed all these activities.

This Red Nose Day we had lots of different activities to choose from, we could count out red Pom Pom noses on to a 10s frame using tweezers, we made a huge paper tissue heart collage, we made some amazing red noses with play dough, we coloured in some faces with red noses on, used sticklebricks to make houses for people who had nowhere to live and iced some red nose biscuits. We also watched and talked about what it is to be kind. The children said being kind is saying “ kind words, helping each other, helping people, being kind to each other, sharing things, helping people to walk.” We also decided our class motto for today is “it’s nice to be nice”

During the day we enjoyed lots of different activities, we used puppets to act out the stories, we made stick men, also we tried to make a boat to save the gingerbread man. We also had to find the characters in an I spy games . We used the crates to make a bridge for the Billy goats gruff to cross as well as lots of other activities. It was a very busy exciting day.

We had 6 books to choose from and voted for our favourite 3 books. We then listened to the 3 books throughout the day and had a democratic vote again to see which was our favourite . It was a tie between Puss in Boots and The Gingerbread Man.

Democratic Vote

Wrens all dressed up

What a busy World Book Day we have had. We had lots of activities to choose from. We could choose from activities such as The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Tiger who came to Tea, Stickman, Funnybones, Three Billygoats Gruff.

We had an amazing time at our Parent Space Afternoon, we showed our fabulous rockets and fantastic aliens. We also showed our grown ups lots of different activities. We had a rocket in some special moon dust ,we had words that were real and alien and we had to sort them into obb and Bob, we also made alien masks and we sorted out moon rocks with tweezers. We could also sit and enjoy a book . We had a really good afternoon and enjoyed showing our adults our brilliant work.

Hot Chocolate Treat.

We have enjoyed a treat of hot chocolate to celebrate completing our Moon Diaries.

We have been learning all about Pancake Day and why we eat pancakes on a certain day. We also learned about how other countries celebrate Pancake Day. We really enjoyed tasting some pancakes with different flavours on.


We have been keen weather watchers today as the weather changed from sleet in the morning to snow, we experienced both. We tried to catch snowflakes with our hands and on our tongues. We even threw some snowballs at Mrs Cross and Mrs Abson. We enjoyed the show very much and we are hoping for some more snow so we can build some snowmen.

Wrens Star

We are very excited because we had a name a star donated to us by Mrs Headley, so we now have a special star in the sky named Wrens. 
