Swans Class
This year, Year 5 start at 8.50am and finish at 3.20pm.
PE will be every Monday and Thursday; children should come to school dressed in their PE kit.
All pupils should bring a named water bottle to school each day, to help them to stay hydrated, as well as their reading book and Home School Record.
As part of our curriculum, we will focus on emotional wellbeing through Take Five, our class assemblies, Worry Wizard and in specific PSHCE lessons (Personal, social, Health and Citizenship Education).
Please read at least five times a week - this can be your school reading book, a book you have accessed on Bug Club or a book/magazine of your choice. Please ask an adult to comment and sign your planner so we can count up your weekly reads every FRIDAY ready for Reward Time.
Each week, your child will be given a set of spellings to learn. They will practise at school, but we encourage them to also practise at home ready for a spelling test on FRIDAYS.
Mathletics & Timestable Rockstars
Mathletics is a fantastic app designed to support your child with their learning. The children are able to complete fun tasks and also play 'live' against other children to earn points.
Times Table Rockstars is a fun and challenging app designed to help children master their tables. We often like to challenge children with a 'Battle of the Bands' where they are able to compete against another class or year group! Times Tables are tested each FRIDAY.