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What is Wanderlust? 


Wanderlust draws on the approaches to Early Education in Scandanavia, Canada and Australia. It helps the children to connect with nature and natural learning opportunities each and every day. Research suggests that when children connect with nature, they are happier in themselves. Organised around the rhythm of the seasons it offers opportunities to learn around wildlife, natural phenomena, and the natural world around us with a mix of adult facilitated, and child led learning opportunities. When children are self directed it boosts their self esteem, and this approach enables children to be more free and have more responsibility to achieve their goals, explore, be curious and find out!



We want:

• To give children opportunity to be truly immersed in nature.
• Children to feel and experience happy, giving them the time and space to reflect and piece together what they have done.
• Children to take risks, whilst managing their own safety, make links, be free, and be curious!
• Children to be hands on, and engage with their curiosity – creating the next generation of seeing what is around them – not through a screen.


We want children to be the leaders in their learning.
