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Reciprocal Reading

Reciprocal Reading is a structured and scaffolded approach that emphasises mainly on a discussion technique to teach strategies that the pupils can use to improve their reading comprehension. This teaching technique incorporates four main strategies; prediction, clarification, questioning and summarisation. Pupils need to master each strategy and apply it correctly to the reading process to be successful and confident readers. The strategies that are the underlying factors of this method of teaching are utilised everytime a person reads (even though you might not realise it). It encourages pupils to become 'active' readers and to be more involved in their own learning. Due to the large amount of emphasis placed on discussion, it also promotes and develops the pupil's speaking and listening skills. Once the children have demonstrated a secure understanding and comprehension of the text, they are able to demonstrate this in comprehension style questions (these can be verbal or written). At Hayfield Lane, we try to provide as many opportunities as possible for the pupils to apply and practise these strategies to become accomplished readers. As they say, "Practise makes perfect!". 

Why use reciprocal teaching?

  • It encourages pupils to think about their own thought process during reading.
    • They should be applying these four strategies as they read. 
  • It helps pupils learn to be actively involved and monitor their comprehension as they read.
  • It teaches pupils to ask questions during reading and helps make the text more comprehensible.