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Jobs for everyone project

This half term we are embarking on an exciting project with the NHS called jobs for everyone!

This is because we now know that many children form their career aspirations before the age of 7 and we think providing careers based learning and industry role models from an early age can help children build realistic aspirations for their future. The project will involve classroom sessions, family activities, singing, role play, a junk modelling homework activity and an opportunity to meet real workers to learn about their roles either in person or virtually.



We will think about how people who work for the NHS and social care:

  • help us to be healthy
  • help us to develop
  • Try to make us better when we are poorly or injured 
  • care for you when you need extra help
  • and lots more!

Everybody works together in a team.  Some people provide care to patients while others work in background services like finance, HR or IT, but everyone has something to contribute to the world of the NHS and Social Care.


The project aims to raise awareness of different job roles, promote equality and diversity and dispel stereotypes, particularly around gender.  

We will also find out:

  • There are lots of different jobs
  • There are jobs for everyone
  • Everyone is different and why that is good
  • you can choose what job you want to do 
  • you can work in lots of different places

Our year group assembly to show our learning!

We brought all of our learning around the NHS together in an assembly for our parents, we talked about what we learnt, showed all of the different jobs we had learnt in paintings and talked about some of our parents who work for 5e NHS that came in and shared their jobs with us! 

We also learnt a song called “working in a hospital” and sang this too. 

We also displayed our creations for the NHS we made at home with our grown ups. 

We did an amazing job and our teachers are so proud!


Diagnostic Radiographers


We are roleplaying lots of different roles within our new hospital! 

We have an opticians, a dieticians, an x-ray unit, a dentists and a reception area! 

Sparrows have been thinking lots about different jobs within the NHS and are now recognising that it is not just doctors and nurses which is really developing our play through hospitals. 

Thinking about who works in hospitals

Throughout our NHS project we are learning about more and more jobs within the NHS. We will be having lots of different visitors to tell us about their jobs, and think about which jobs we might like to do and why. 

To start we have read 'When Isaac Broke His Leg' where we follow the story if Isaac and all of the people that help him and their different job titles. 
