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We are learning how to tell the time in analogue form and digital.  Please spend time teaching your child how to tell the time.  Mathletics has a time section on which would be beneficial to use as part of your daily maths activities.


Daily work on times tables.  Year 3 children MUST know by the end of year 3 their 3, 4, and 8 times tables.  They should also already know from year 2 their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  Make use of the times table section on Mathletics and also the Times table rock stars website.

White Rose Maths are providing online resources for children to use at home. Each week they upload 5 lessons which provide videos, activities and answers. They are currently covering 'Fractions'. Children have learnt fractions this year already but we feel that it would be beneficial for them to revise this topic. If your child feels confident with fractions then you may decide to start the activities from this week (week commencing 20th April) but if your child feels that they need more support with fractions, then you may choose to start from week 1.


To access the home learning activities on White Rose, please use the link below:
